The 2nd Best Mix Tape Ever Rappy McRapperson and MC Wreckshin Copyright 2010 RappyMcWreckshin Productionz Distributed by: Scrub Club Records Mixed by: B-Bear and Milk Plus Produced by: Rappy McRapperson and MC Wreckshin Dear Friends and Fans-- EEEE! Thanks For Downloading----- Bump this on your Block- Shake their wallz--Let the people know that you Fight the man all day-----Lake Hillz to Orlando----BUMP THIS SHIT!! Shake their fucking brainz!!! Tell your friendz to Hit up for more music that fightz the man. ---P.S. Do not blow dudes without the permission and supervision of a parent or legal guardian. Rappy would like to thank-- The good Lord, My hot ass mom, Dad, Brotherz, Sisterz--All the Rappy McRapperson Fanz !!! Thank you for supporting me even though im a frikken bum!! Orlando Nerdcore-- and EPP!!!--(everyone in EPP-- except Sir-Up!!) Scrub Club--- Nerdapalooza!!! You all klnow who who are-- Thank you for your hospitality!!! Oh ya, and Sir-up. lol. Wreckshin would like to thank-- ABSOLUTELY NO ONE. --------------------------------------------------------------- THE MAN WILL BE DEFEATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Linkz: --------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks